Well, as you can tell I'm not doing too well at keeping this thing going. I just knew for sure that I would be able to write something every night...even if it was just "I'm sitting around watching the pool turn greener and greener". But it just ain't happening. So...what have I been up to...not much that's for sure. I finally left the house with my camera and came back with some pictures (Yay!). I have been taking the Canon with me but just haven't seemed to find anything that peaked my interest. I'm trying to get back into it but it's still somewhat difficult. I did find a great subject along the Mandeville lakefront. Well, I have actually been looking at this place for awhile and saying "I need to bring my camera down here". All talk no action. I finally took some action and visited an old iron fence that has been in shambles since Katrina. The house is long gone, the sidewalk is cracked, the fence is in pieces and in disrepair. There are vines growing in it and rust is everywhere. I'm not sure how long this thing has been there. 10 years? 50 years? Who knows. It sure does have a lot of character. It is topped by fleur de lis of various colors and varying conditions. Some are bent, some are missing, some look fairly new, and some are broken. But through all this I can picture how it must have looked when it was first installed in the earth on where it stands. I would venture to say that someone was very proud of this fence at one time. Maybe more than just one "someone". I'm not sure how much time and effort goes into making an iron fence, but nevertheless what was a shiny new fence that stood watch over what was probably a majestic home, now stands in ruins. The fence is still beautiful in its own way, watching over grass, clovers, and an abandoned cement slab. I spent about 30 minutes there walking from end to end. Thinking. Reflecting. Wondering. Questioning. I took a few pics and you can find them here on pages 5 and 6 of the gallery. I'm sure it's not going to be there forever so I'm glad I got to spend some time visiting. I only wish it could tell me some of its history before it becomes history itself. Oh, and when I saw all the cars lining up on the street behind me I thought I had become somewhat of a celebrity or I had ripped my pants right down the back for the world to see the tighty whiteys. Turns out they were waiting to pick up their kids from the school around the corner. Oh well, so much for thinking...
How about them Saints??!! I was a little worried about the game against the Patriots. I hope now they get the national respect they deserve. They just flat out dominated. Congratulations guys. Now if we can PLEASE make it to the Superbowl?? How awesome would that be?? Wow.
Another great quote: "Only those who are asleep make no mistakes". Now as much as I like that, there are a couple of mistakes than can be made while you are asleep:
- Driving off the road
- Forgetting to open the drain in the tub to let the water out
- Running over your foot with the lawnmower
- Peeing in the bed
- Kicking your better half where it hurts
- Elbowing your better half in the eye
- Elbowing yourself in the eye
- Slobbering on your pillow then sticking your ear in it
- The inability to run when your friend says "Hey ya'll watch this"
- Having your boss walk up behind you before you get your head off the keyboard
- Letting the grease on the stove get so hot it catches fire (sorry about that mom and dad I hope the medical bills for my burns weren't THAT bad and I learned my lesson)