- Although at times I'll be writing "serious" things, don't take me too serious. I have a dry sense of humor and love to spread it around. My wife doesn't get it sometimes, but I keep trying.
- I was not an English major and have not attended an English class since college...about 20 years ago. So chances are you will find grmmatical errorrrs, commas, where, they, should, not be, or just plain run on sentences that just keep going on and on like there is no tomorrow and might get quite boring and...you get the point.
- I love traveling and taking pictures. I also love to write, I just have not done a lot of it in the last few years. I plan to share my travel adventures and perhaps some history or stories behind what I find. My goal is to take traveling, photography, and writing to another level. I figure I'll get started here.
- To me, any experience whether good or bad is worth sharing with others. You never know who has the same interests as you. Hence, I'm putting all this out on the web for a kagillion people to see instead of in a notebook that someone may find after I die.
- There are so many things I wished that I had written down. Especially in the months following Hurricane Katrina. I can't remember much of that now. Heck, I can't remember to take out the garbage most of the time.
- From here on out, I'll try to post something every day. This blog is an outlet for me.
- I'll always end each posting with a personal opinion, recommendation, diss, or whatever. It may be a restaurant, movie recommendation, favorite website, or who knows what.
Since I am leaving Thursday (2/19) for my road trip out west with my "special guests" (no, it's not Mr. & Mrs. Claus - inside joke to my friends) I'm going to really kick things off then. Unfortunately, I don't know if I'll have internet service where I'm staying along the way, but rest assured I'll have some things to post for each day. I know that each of you are sitting on the edge of your chair just waiting for me to post something. There there, it will be alright. I will whet your appetite in due time.
Random thought for 2/17: I'm not sure why I love the movie "Cast Away" so much, but if you don't want to sit through a couple of hours watching a guy stuck on an island I highly recommend the last 15 minutes or so. Tom Hanks gives a great speech about never giving up hope when things seem hopeless. The words didn't really sink in until the second or third time I watched it. I consider it to be one of the best speeches I've ever heard in any way, shape, or form. I also like the area of Texas where the first and last scenes were filmed. The ranch house is actually a working bed & breakfast, and the "crossroads" where he stands is in the Texas panhandle just south of Canadian, TX. Yes...I am a nerd.
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