Pic # 1 (standing) Mike, Shawn, and me (sitting) Danny, Chris (with his hand wrapped lovingly around Masayuki - keeping her safe), and Craig
So today started out with a trip to my old stomping grounds in Chalmette, La. I didnt venture too far in, just to the funeral home and to Discount Tire to get the tires rotated and balanced on the Avalanche for the upcoming road trip. Ate at Wendy's (spicy chicken nuggets are the BOMB) and headed back to the North Shore. All that rain we had on Sunday and Tuesday seemed to do nothing for the flowers in the garden so I watered them before they hired a lawyer and sued me for abandonment. But then again...damn...it's Friday so I guess they could use a little attention. Looks like the grass can use a cut too but that will have to wait. With the watering out the way I stopped by my Mom's to drop off some paperwork and headed to get the oil changed in the truck. Two things done before the road trip and now it's time to head over to the Beach House bar in Mandeville to get together with the guys. Of course, I HAD to bring Masayuki along for her first night out in 6 months. She's been couped up in the house so I had to get her a night on the town before she hired a lawyer and sued me for abandonment too. And what a fantastic night it was. The 6 of us went to school together...and not just high school. Throughout points in elementary, middle, and high school we were together, and now many, many years later here we are all having some beer and talking about where our lives have taken us since way back then. Band practice has given way to jobs, wives, ex-wives (not you Shawn) and grey hair (well, just me). It was an absolutely great night and I'm looking forward to the next go round (who's buyin next time?). And damn...the Beach Burger with bacon is slammin! Masayuki really didn't have much to say...could be because she spent most of the night in my camera bag. But she really did enjoy being in Chris' hand for a few minutes. Most action she has had in a long, long time (that I know of). Could be like Toy Story...when I leave for work she could be partying with the Precious Moments dolls. I did notice that some of the vodka was missing....hmmmm...
Pic#2: Our GREAT waitress Dena and our chick Masayuki.
So today started out with a trip to my old stomping grounds in Chalmette, La. I didnt venture too far in, just to the funeral home and to Discount Tire to get the tires rotated and balanced on the Avalanche for the upcoming road trip. Ate at Wendy's (spicy chicken nuggets are the BOMB) and headed back to the North Shore. All that rain we had on Sunday and Tuesday seemed to do nothing for the flowers in the garden so I watered them before they hired a lawyer and sued me for abandonment. But then again...damn...it's Friday so I guess they could use a little attention. Looks like the grass can use a cut too but that will have to wait. With the watering out the way I stopped by my Mom's to drop off some paperwork and headed to get the oil changed in the truck. Two things done before the road trip and now it's time to head over to the Beach House bar in Mandeville to get together with the guys. Of course, I HAD to bring Masayuki along for her first night out in 6 months. She's been couped up in the house so I had to get her a night on the town before she hired a lawyer and sued me for abandonment too. And what a fantastic night it was. The 6 of us went to school together...and not just high school. Throughout points in elementary, middle, and high school we were together, and now many, many years later here we are all having some beer and talking about where our lives have taken us since way back then. Band practice has given way to jobs, wives, ex-wives (not you Shawn) and grey hair (well, just me). It was an absolutely great night and I'm looking forward to the next go round (who's buyin next time?). And damn...the Beach Burger with bacon is slammin! Masayuki really didn't have much to say...could be because she spent most of the night in my camera bag. But she really did enjoy being in Chris' hand for a few minutes. Most action she has had in a long, long time (that I know of). Could be like Toy Story...when I leave for work she could be partying with the Precious Moments dolls. I did notice that some of the vodka was missing....hmmmm...
SPECIAL THANKS to Dena for taking care of us and being a great sport and letting me take a pic with her and Masayuki.
So...who knows where Masayuki will wind up next...stay tuned...
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