After a long couple of days driving, I slept in a bit this morning. Didn't get going until abut 7:45 (8:45 Central time) due to some much needed rest. It was 19 degrees when I started heading south on I-25. I forgot to mention that the mercury did not get above freezing all day yesterday. As is the norm for me, my route for today consists of very little travel on the interstate. After just 4 miles on I-25, I gladly exited for Hwy 64 heading southwest towards the town of Cimarron, New Mexico. Not much more than what I would consider a Sunday drive around these parts, however it was exciting nevertheless. I had never been down this road before and I welcome the new sights.
Cruising along Hwy 64 in New Mexico |
After reaching Cimarron, it was back east along Hwy 58 to I-25 south for a ways. A few miles down the road came the turn off for Fort Union. This was one of the largest forts in the old west and was a major stopping place along the Santa Fe Trail. They supplied arms to many of the other western forts. As I expected there was maybe one or two other couples here since this is not peak travel season. And as yesterday, it was damn cold and windy outside so even being bundled up the cold found a way to penetrate every place it could onto my body. The air is so cold, yet so clean and pure. Can't say that about the air back home. I walked around for about an hour, took some pics, and imagined what it must have been like 125 years ago. There are lots of trail ruts from wagons that can still be seen in the landscape today.
Panaramic shot of Fort Union, New Mexico |
Fort Union, New Mexico |
Fort Union, New Mexico |
After spending a little more time in the nice warm Visitor's Center, I headed back down to I-25 and continued south to Las not sin city, but Las Vegas New Mexico...although back in the day this probably could have been sin city as it was one of the wildest and most dangerous places to be in the heyday of the old west. I grabbed a quick lunch here and a few miles down the road I gleefully got off the interstate again and headed south on Hwy 84. Now as much as I love taking back roads...this part of the journey left a lot to be desired. Not much in the way of interesting things to see. I imagined that what I was looking at was pretty much the same thing people saw hundreds and even thousands of years ago...well with exception to the blacktopped highway of course. I cross I-40 and continued south on to hwy 219, then Hwy's 60 and 285 west before reconnecting with I-25 south. About the only entertainment I had was to honk at cows along the way, trying to alert them that they may soon find themselves being part of a supersized meal at McDonalds. Yes the lonely road was getting to my head. Before entering I-25, I did pass some ancient ruins called "Abo Ruins". This was part of an old mission and NOT to my surprise a stray dog was wandering around. Just my luck. However he didn't give me the usual "I'm want to eat your face" welcome that some of his brethren have given me in the past. So with caution I finished my little tour (no one else around except the Ranger) and made my way to Socorro. It was beginning to get dark and I was ready to hang it up for the day...and it was my plan to stay here all along. I knew that in the morning I wanted to go see San Miguel church. I happen to love the old adobe style Spanish churches and this one was built in the 1600's and still being used today. I knew it faces east and I wanted to catch it in the morning light. I checked into Motel 6 (my place of choice because it's cheap, not necessarily 5 stars...or even 4 stars....OK maybe not even a full 3 stars...but I don't really care, and then headed down California Street looking for a place to eat. I saw a couple places that had "Pizza" on the sign so I knew what I would be eating. I chose Socorro Springs Brewing Company and thoroughly enjoyed my choice. I had a full belly, a brew or two, pizza in my stomach, and I was on vacation. I headed back to the hotel room thinking about my plans for tomorrow...and knowing that I was winding down day 3 of 5...and the end of the trip was within sight. I was somewhat saddened at the moment, but quickly turned that around into a smile when I thought about how lucky I am to be here right now.
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